Sour figs

Sour figs
The Sour Fig, affectionately know as Carpobrotus Edulis by the horticultural world, is one of the common plant species that you'll see in and around the Cape Peninsula. This succulent plant seems to like the hot weather and African sun almost as much as we do. Interestingly, the Wikipedia article seems to hold a low weed-like impression of the species, describing ways in which this invasive plant can be removed from the soil.

Contrary to the tone of the article, I really like the plant. I would imagine that the rapid-spreading mat-like structure it forms helps a great deal to prevent the erosion of our sand dunes... and oh, the bright flowers dotted among the deep green leaves are kinda pretty as well.

7 thoughts on “Sour figs

  1. Nico

    I harvest sour figs on my farm. I sell the dried fruit per kilo. Contact me if you are still looking for any. Nico 084 9695 777

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