Faith and The Cape of Good Hope

Faith and The Cape of Good Hope
I found this artwork in the old suburb of Salt River - that's the one just after Woodstock, which borders directly on the City and is named after the (you've got it!) river called Salt River. If you read yesterday's post, you may now have been observant enough to recoignise them in this photo.

Take a closer look and you'll see that today's photo is simply a different perspective on yesterday's one. The main photo from yesterday's post is content of the letter "I" in the word "FAITH".

I have a couple of ideas, but I'm not completely sure what message the artists were trying to convey on this wall. Would anyone venture taking a guess? Please leave a comment on this post if you think you know what they were thinking.

8 thoughts on “Faith and The Cape of Good Hope

  1. Wilfred Paulse

    I lived most of my life in Salt River but never heard of the river of that name. We used to play along the banks and in the Liesbeeck(Lisbeek) River though. Where is or was the Salt River?

  2. Jenna

    Stunning piece of artwork!!

    I think the headlines are in the faith as a play on words i.e. We have faith in the fact that these headlines will change for the better… that is why the headlines are IN the faith.

    I think “Cape of Good Hope” is there to portray the Cape founders’ original vision for the city, and the style of font the artist has chosen backs this up- very “ye olde”.

    Beautiful actually… any way you decide to interperet it.

  3. mjw

    As far as I can remember, this was an artwork by graffiti (et al) artist Faith47 that was social commentary on the state of publishing, news sensationalism, social order, and violence in our society.

    I can’t find a reference to it now but I remember reading about something like this a few years ago.

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