Tag Archives: cats

Fluffy ‘n white

Fluffy 'n white
Believe it or not, but this cat was spotted watching the sun set (like, really watching the sun set) from high up above Glen Beach. It sat there for absolute ages just overlooking the ocean. I eventually left it there, still watching as the sun sank over the horizon.

Mostly naughty

Mostly naughty
He looks innocent - but, his name is William and let me assure you, his mostly naughty. He bites his aunt's ears after pretending to groom her. He hides from us when it's time to come inside; then talks back at us when we scold him. Occasionally he catches birds, lizards, and even moles. Most nights he purrs far too loudly while I'm trying to fall asleep, and then wakes up too early and demands attention. It's hard being a parent.

Angry lions

Angry lions
While some things are debatable, you definitely don't want to encounter one of these bad boys out in the open veld.

At home, we have our own fierce feline that roams the plains of our back yard. While most often very sweet, when I or brother have been particularly irritating, she transforms into a clawing beast that no man would want to tussle with!

Startled kitty-cat

Startled kitty-cat
In my previous post I showed you a photo of a cat that I snuck up on while it was having a dispute with a cat on the other side of a gate. I stuck my camera in under the gate and got this photo of the cat that was (allegedly) being extremely disagreeable.

A skinny white cat

A skinny white cat
This kitty was having a dispute with another on the other side of the gate. It must have been quite a disagreement - as you can see from the "hey, who are you and where'd you come from?" expression on her face, she never even saw us approaching. Isn't she cute? :)