Cape Town Daily Photo

To ring or not to ring…

This bell-tower is located right over the entrance portal of the Castle (see yesterday's post), and the first thing you see when you walk through the gate underneath is a little sign on the wall saying "Do not ring the bell" - posted, temptingly, next to a rope that disappears upwards through a small hole. I never understand why officials post notes like that - why not rather post one that says "PULL ME, PULL ME, PULL ME!!!" in enormous flashing red letters? With great difficulty I prised my own hand away from the rope, and bravely fought off temptation.

The tower was built in 1684, and the bell itself was cast in Amsterdam in 1697 - weighing in at just over 300 kilograms, the ringing bell could be heard from 10km away. It was used for all the usual bell-type things: warning of impending danger, calling citizens and soldiers for important announcements, and marking the hours.