Cape Town Daily Photo

Would the real Easter Bunny please stand up?

I'm a real sucker for cute fluffy things, like bunnies and kittens and Winnie-the-Pooh; so when we spotted these Easter Bunnies on the pavement (that's a "sidewalk" for our American readers) outside a house in the northern suburbs, I made Paul bring the car to a screeching halt so that we could get some photos. Aren't they gorgeous?

Today is the first day of nominations for the SA Blog Awards. If you enjoy Cape Town Daily Photo and think we're deserving, please nominate us by clicking on the big shiny SA Blog Awards button to the right.

And while you're there, do nominate a few of your other favourite South African blogs - to give you a couple of ideas we'll mention one or two of our own favourites each day. Today, we suggest that you head over to SA Rocks, to read a mix of some awesomely positive stuff about our country.