Cape Town Daily Photo

Many kilos on a tiny saddle

We celebrated my mom's birthday today, so all we had time to do was take a quick drive past Green Point, where cyclists competing in the Cape Argus Pick 'n Pay Cycle Tour were finishing the arduous 109 kilometre race around the peninsula. As he did last year, South African champion Robbie Hunter won the event - this year in 2 hours 27 minutes!

109 kilometres around our peninsula is no joke. For guys like Robbie, it's a very serious and well-planned race. For many of the 40,000 other cyclists, it's a day of fun, with little training and often little planning. I've heard reports that up to 65 people were taken to hospital as a result of road accidents, fatigue, kidney stones and heart attacks.

A colleague of mine is presently trying to convince me that I should take part next year. I keep having to explain that I don't have a bike and it's really very difficult to cycle with a camera in hand. :)

Visit Cape Town Daily Photo Extras to see a few of the other shots we managed to take.