Cape Town Daily Photo

Ratanga Junction – The wildest place in Africa

To be honest, I'm not completely sure that Ratanga Junction is "the wildest place in Africa". I have a friend whose backyard is a serious contender in this area. But, let's leave that alone for now and get back to Ratanga Junction...

You'll remember from yesterday's post that I attended Canon's Playground roadshow at Ratanga Junction. During the refreshments break we had the opportunity to walk around this deserted theme-park, and although the security officials kept us to our designated area, I managed to snap a few shots. This carousel is relatively small, and is really something to entertain toddlers and dads while mom has a go on the terrible ride called Congo Queen. This particular ride (featured in yesterday's post) is a long boat that rocks back and forth like a huge pendulum, and leaves no way to escape once the nausea sets in.

We don't have kids, but I can assure you that I'd be the first volunteer to babysit and escape the wrath of this Congo Queen.