Cape Town Daily Photo

Here be dragons

Okay, not quite a dragon, but surely a dragonfly is close enough? I chose this as today's photo because it sparked off a memory of a few years ago when a young man by the name of Mark Shuttleworth sold his small company, Thawte, to Verisign (a competing digital security certificate provider) for a few billion rand.

Mark grew up in Durbanville, not very far away from where we now live - and Kerry-Anne in fact remembers him from a mathematics competition that they attended while in high school. Mark started his business in his parents' garage and within only a couple of years became one of South Africa's richest people - if not the richest.

Anyway, this photo made me think of him, because after making his billions he started a venture capital company in South Africa called HBD, or Here Be Dragons.

To quote HBD's website: "In ancient times, unexplored territories were marked 'Here Be Dragons' on maps and only the bravest of explorers dared venture there - often when they did, they discovered lush lands, rich with treasure and promise."