Cape Town Daily Photo

It’s whale season in Cape Town

From about June or July (but mostly at this time of the year) our bays come alive with whales, until December, when the water becomes uncomfortably warm. The most common of these visitors is the Southern Right Whale.

Most will know that between the 11th century and the mid 1900s whaling claimed the lives of many of these peaceful animals. What you may not know is that up until 1937 recorded killings alone had amounted to a shocking 93,300 whales - nearly rendering the Right Whale extinct.

Between 1980 and 1984 legislation was introduced into South Africa to ban harming the animals in any way, and according to, it's even illegal to be within 300 metres of a whale (with a watercraft)!

Thanks Brad for stopping off in Kalk Bay to bring us this photo of a Southern Right Whale. Brad told us that there were plenty of whales frolicking in the bay yesterday.