Cape Town Daily Photo

No stopping!?

Isn't in frustrating when you rush to make it in time for an event, then actually manage to arrive on time, but ultimately end up being late because there just are no nearby parking spots available? I'm such a sucker for not parking illegally. My rationale is that even if I don't understand it, there must be a reason for that "no stopping" sign. Even if I had a 4x4, I'd have trouble parking on a curb or on some other unconventional spot, simply because I wouldn't want to inconvenience another driver or pedestrian (or have my car towed away).

And just because there's not a "no parking" sign, it doesn't mean that I can actually park in "that convenient spot". If you think I'm a little OCD in this respect (which perhaps I am) you must just watch Kerry-Anne finding a spot to park - she's even worse than I am. It's priceless. :D