Cape Town Daily Photo

Voter registration weekend

In preparation for our national elections next year, the Electoral Commission has designated this weekend as Voter Registration Weekend.

We've moved house and voting district since our last round of elections, so Kerry-Anne and I popped in at Stellenberg High School today to update our details. The registration process was painless and simple. There were no queues and we walked in, filled in a 1-page form, had our ID books scanned and voila, we were out of there in under 5 minutes.

If you've moved since the last round of elections, or if you have never registered to vote, be sure to visit your local IEC registration station on Sunday. If you're not registered, you won't be able to vote, and with these elections gearing up to be very interesting indeed, you should consider it a civic duty to vote, rather than merely a right.

It seems you will still be able to register at your local municipality on weekdays during working hours, but let's face it: if you aren't going to make the effort to register this weekend, when it's been made as simple as possible, you're unlikely to go to the effort of taking time off from work to visit your local municipality at some other time. So off you go. :)

Visit the IEC elections website if you're not sure in which district you live or where your voting station is. Unfortunately the site only works in Internet Explorer... so if you're a Mac, BSD, Linux, etc. user then you're going to have to wander the streets trying to find that darn IEC poster.