Cape Town Daily Photo

Not the most inspirational graffiti

Cape Town's weather has turned grey, much like this photo. I always struggle to find something to photograph under these conditions... either because it's too flippin' cold to venture outside, or because it's raining outside and I'm reluctant to get rain on my camera - or perhaps that grey weather just drains my inspiration (much like I'm guessing this graffiti artist's inspiration was drained by the dull vibracrete wall and monochrome palette).

Vibracrete walls must be one of the structures I dislike most in our country. These precast concrete walls have permeated the fabric of our suburbs, with almost every property bordered off by a dull grey wall. Every now and again someone gets inspired and paints their walls in a colour to match their homes, or better yet, in an inappropriately bright colour, like apricot or salmon. Because undercoat is seldom used, the wall paint doesn't last very long and starts to peel, leaving patches of grey or previous layers of paint exposed.

If there were actually a chance of being taken seriously, and if the thought weren't so ridiculous, I'd recommend we start a petition to ban the erection of vibracrete walls. :)