Cape Town Daily Photo

We’re on a road to somewhere

A few months back I decided that it was time for my little web copywriting business to start growing. So I bravely rented some office space not too far from home and hired my first full-time employee. So far, it's turned out to be one of my best decisions ever - the offices are lovely, and I'm firmly convinced that my Operations Manager (she started off as a Personal Assistant, but very quickly outgrew that title) is the best anyone could wish for.

I'm looking forward to watching this baby business grow and expand into a formidable force; and one day when we've taken over the world, we'll be able to look back at this picture and say, "That's where it all started." This is the view from the street just outside our office block - beautiful, isn't it? That's the Boland mountain range in the distance, and in a month or two's time, there'll probably be snow on those peaks. And yes, it is still winter in Cape Town, just in case this picture confused you. ;-)

Have you ever taken a big step that seemed a little daunting at the time, but turned out to be a fantastic move?