Cape Town Daily Photo

Drinking and driving may change your life

A couple of weekends ago during a routine roadblock, traffic officers tested the alcohol levels of 85 drivers, and arrested 39 of these for being over the legal limit - see the article here.

While I realise that the legal alcohol limit is very low, and perhaps many of these 39 unfortunate folk could have been just slightly over, I also know from experience that many of the people I know regularly exceed the legal limit by a fair to good amount. Often these people seem able to drive perfectly well, but the reality is that their reaction speed is significantly decreased.

In the past few years I've seen and heard of far too many motor vehicle accidents in which people have been hurt or even killed. At these times I guess the reality of it all hits home and it's easy for me to imagine the impact that an event like this has on someone's life. Not just personal injury and loss, and the injury and loss to other people - there's also the law to contend with, trials in court, possible imprisonment, job loss, and so on. I guess the list of things that could happen spirals into an entirely different life to the one I lead today.

Guys, make sure that if you drink too much you have a designated driver. And, if you don't have one, keep the number of a taxi service on your cell phone (under a name that you'll remember at the time, like "Beer" for instance ;) ).

If you're in Cape Town, you can keep the Rikkis Cabs number on your phone - 0861 745 547. They have cheaper inner city share-ride options, and more expensive options that'll take you anywhere in the Cape Peninsula. Check out their website before the time and familiarise yourself with their prices. If you're a habitual party-person then consider signing up with a company like Good Fellas that will drive you home in your own car.