Cape Town Daily Photo

The Flamjangled Tea Party

Whatever it takes, I have to go to this (somewhat different) tea party next year! In fact, I'm adding 19-20 March 2011 into my (seldom used) Cape Town Daily Photo diary right now. :)

To quote from their website, The Flamjangled Tea Party brings to the winelands of Durbanville "a collection of madcap melody-makers, artists flamboyant, syrupy tea-ladies, freakish party animals, cross-dressing gorilla’s, candy-floss cowgirls, rooibos sippen diva’s, greased-up rockers, disco deviants" and many more wonderfully weird (and some times magical) people. In my mind it's a cross between Alice in Wonderland and Charlie and the Chocolate Factory (Johnny Depp's version), with a bit of a Woodstock-like music festival tacked on just for fun. Doesn't it sound wonderful?

For a little more insight into what goes on at this kind of tea party - have a peek at the photos taken at the one held earlier this year.