Cape Town Daily Photo

Collier Jetty, grain elevators, and fishing boats

In January 2009 I posted a night photo of these fishing boats moored at Collier Jetty.

The water that you see in the bottom half of this photo is that of the Victoria Basin - the basin that stretches out alongside the V&A Waterfront shopping mall. The Collier Jetty, on the far end of the basin, is (as you can see) currently used as a spot to moor colourful fishing boats.

According to an industrial heritage white paper that I found, Cape Town harbour's elevator complex (the metal structure extending the length of the jetty) had been used by the Farmer's Co-operative since 1987 to load grain for export. I'm not sure whether or not it's till in use by the FC since the article mentions that due to the increased length and draught of ships they were no longer able to use it (for exports).

Don't you just love how the fishing boats are painted in similar fashion to the colourful houses of Bo-Kaap?