Cape Town Daily Photo

Pedestrians are walking

Turning left at this interchange leads to the Waterfront, and continuing straight over these traffic lights lead to the N1 highway (heading out to the northern suburbs) as well as Eastern Boulevard and the southern suburbs.

This particular interchange always use to be a difficult crossing for pedestrians - but that was before the city received a makeover in preparation for the football World Cup in 2010. The pedestrian bridge (which you're able to see a part of on the right side of the photo) as well as the well-marked pedestrian crossing make it far easier that it use to be to cross the Buitengraght double carriageway.

If you visit the Google Map for this location - you'll notice that the satellite image doesn't show the bridge. If you then switch to StreetView you'll discover that depending on where you're positioned the bridge appears and disappears (showing that the various StreetView photos were taken some time apart).

If you read this article (and click on the links to StreetView) months or years after January 2011 you may not see the difference in StreetView - Google may have sent the little StreetView buggy around to update it's records. Sorry about that! :)