Cape Town Daily Photo

Tulips in May

I bought a bunch of Tulips from Woolworths for Kerry-Anne. While photographing them bathed in morning light I realised that taking photos of flowers, perhaps Tulips in particular, is as fulfilling much like photographing beautiful woman - light catches their contours in the most beautiful way.

Tulips are perennial bulbs, which means that they flower each year. Although often associated with the Netherlands, according to, they originate from the Turkish Himalayas.

Even though there are many varieties of tulips, due to our warmish winters and short spring it's only really the Darwin Hybrid that's easy to grow in South Africa. Visit for information on where and when to plant tulips and how to make sure they survive our slightly-tulip-hostile weather.

Even though I liked the main photo most, I thought that you may appreciate a few more photos of these lovely flowers. Click on the thumbnails below to see the the photos.