Cape Town Daily Photo

Old, very old, wine bottles

Imagine how long these bottles have been stacked here for! We found these below De Oude Drostdy, in the cellar-area where prisoners awaiting trial by the magistrate were kept.

You may recall that I posted a few photos from our visit to the Van Ryn's brandy distillery in December. Distel, a Stellenbosch-based company that produces wine, spirits, and ciders owns several properties all over the Cape, including the Van Ryn's brandy distillery and De Oude Drostdy.

Now, I completely understand why they hang on to Van Ryn's, but as for De Oude Drostdy - besides for historical and investment purposes, I'm unsure as to why Distel keep her. It's not like they make a great deal of money from the R10 museum entrance fee! Do you perhaps know?