Friday 19 October 2007

Green Day

posted by Kerry-Anne
I remember that when I was at high school we used to hold "Brag Day" the day before any really big interschool sporting event. We would all dress up and get together in the school hall to sing rousing songs and build spirit ahead of the upcoming sports day. Well, today has been Brag Day for the whole of South Africa, as we prepare to take on England in tomorrow's Rugby World Cup Final.

Everywhere I went today I saw people dressed in green, as well as plenty of Springbok and South African flags flying outside houses and businesses. There's an enormous air of expectation, and quite honestly I don't think a whole lot of work got done around Cape Town today.

Many companies allowed their staff to come to work in casual clothes, and encouraged them to dress in green and gold. These photos were taken by Hannes Thiart, outside the head-office of Paul's employer Santam, which is a large insurance company located in Bellville.

Roll on tomorrow, we're ready!

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Monday 17 September 2007

Fun under the African sun

posted by Paul
Following on from yesterday's cricket theme, it truly has been a time for fun under the African sun. Cricket matches are synonymous with laughter, shouting, singing, and of course beer... after all, what would cricket be without beer?

Interestingly enough, even though beer flows freely at cricket matches, nobody seems to get too out of hand. Our police force remain absolutely vigilant and maintain a good amount of visibility. Spectators tend to respect each other and even though their team may lose, nobody shows anger at this. One would be more likely to see lower lips dragging along the floor as sad fans make their way home.

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