Cape Town Daily Photo

Inside Torino Chocolate House

Following on from my previous post - this is the inside of Torino Chocolate House on Kloofnek Road (map). On a whim I decided to pop in and discovered the inside of the shop to be this relatively small room, with a relatively small granny as the Guardian of the Chocolate.

I considered (in true Robin Hood style of course) pushing her over, filling bags with chocolates and running into the street to distribute them to those who couldn't afford these delectable delights. But, fortunately for the dear old granny, she was far too sweet to justify such an act - no matter how noble it may be. Come to think of it though, perhaps the sweetness was due to the chocolate she'd been eating... in which case...

Anyway, Robin-Hoodism aside, I never expected the shop to be so very red inside - but I guess it adds to the romance often associated with fine chocolate. I picked about 8 chocolates filled with whiskey, cream, amarula liqueur, and the like - and as I said in a comment on my previous post, the chocolates were great, but more because of the fillings and less because of the quality of the chocolate (not that there was anything wrong with the actual chocolate). I'm not a connoisseur, but in terms of chocolate, I'd vote for masses of plain chocolate over filled chocolate capsules any day. :)