Cape Town Daily Photo

2014 FHM calendar launch party

Each year I get invited to go along to the FHM calendar launch party, and for some reason each year I manage to miss the event.

I really wasn't feeling up to it after a long day at the office, but given that I love taking photos of people, I knew that I'd probably enjoy the evening I hence convinced myself to go out and be part of the fun and admire the beautiful woman that comprise the 2014 calendar.

I arrived at The Office (where the event was being held), and was presented with a drink (and interesting flavoured beer, though, I can't remember the brand) and ushered upstairs where the party was erupting.

I spent the next two hours taking photos of the models (who, as you can suspect, really love having their pictures taken) and mingling among the excitable guests, most of whom were packed like a shoal of sardines on the outside balcony.

I'll post a few more pictures and give you my impression of the models and the event in one or two follow-up posts.

EDIT: Here are links to more photos from launch party. Enjoy. :)
Photos 1 - Photos 2 - Photos 3