Making sushi

Making sushi

Raw fish, no problem. Soy sauce, yum. Sticky rice, nice. Seaweed - erm, no, I think I'll pass.

Kerry-Anne loves sushi and I'll eat it if the craving gets the better of her and she really has to go to a sushi bar. I don't know about you, but the sushi I like most is the type with the least seaweed, and since I do enjoy the fish and rice I guess that Nigiri would be my favourite. But I just can't get my taste-buds around Maki (those are the ones wrapped in black seaweed), and I'm just not sure that seaweed was ever meant to be eaten by humans. :)

I'm interested to know... (1) if you love Sushi, do you know why this is, and (2) if you don't like it, what in particular don't you enjoy?

7 thoughts on “Making sushi

  1. roger

    sushi rules!

    the seaweed is best when still crispy!!! Im a saffa living in Tokyo and i nosh suhi at least once a week, would be more than that if there wernt so many other interesting dishes to eat to.

  2. Pamela

    Well, as one who does not like Sushi, I have never really worked out why not, I like sashimi (if that is right word for the raw fish) I like rice and I like seaweed. But together, particularly with wasabi then I really have to work hard to eat it. But there are plenty of things I do like in Japanese food, the stews and soups are yummy (but nowhere near as trendy!)

  3. Paul

    Post author

    Roger, crispy? Heck, I don’t think I’ve ever had crispy seaweed. :)

    Pamela, it sounds like you kinda like eating seaweed on it’s own. Does this mean you never pack in a picnic basket when visiting the beach? :D

  4. roger

    If you go into a sushi bar with a rotating conveyer belt, and they dont have the piece of sushi you want, they can make it right there and then for you, this doesnt give the seaweed time to go damp.

    You can order crispy seaweed in most cantonese restaraunts, its awesome!
    A bit tastier than the stuff you would pick up off the beach Paul.

  5. Guinivea

    I could eat it everyday…and the seaweed makes the sushi for me.
    I would have to say my reason for loving sushi: I enjoy finger foods, it tastes GREAT and is colourful and pretty!

  6. Peter

    I’m beginning to like sushi more and more, I guess it’s something you have to work your way into, finding a good restaurant and trying a variety of dishes to find the one you like worked for me. It’s been awhile, I may go for some tonight.

  7. roger

    Thanks for the web site by the way, makes me homesick.

    Youve inspired me to make a “daily Tokyo Photo” site on Tumblr.
    Im busy back logging it from the last 16 months (daily upload limits) and ill send you a link if you like when its ready to go live.

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