Table Mountain from a different perspective

Table Mountain from a different perspective

I'd almost reached the crest of Kloof Nek Road when I saw (what I think is) an uncommon perspective of Table Mountain. Noticing a rare parking spot on the side of the road, I quickly stopped, crossed over the busy road, and scrambled up to a vantage point, where I took this photo.

The area is perhaps one of the most awesome areas in which to live in Cape Town. My uncle owns a house close by and based on my (infrequent) visits there over the years I have to say that the weather is spectacular. The wind may be howling in the city centre below, yet it's almost eerily completely absent in this area.

I'm sure that you've worked it out already, but just in case you're not familiar with the mountain, the little spot that you see marking the highest point is in fact the upper cable station.

9 thoughts on “Table Mountain from a different perspective

  1. Cristina

    wow it is a fantastic photo!!!
    I must go at the top of Kloof Nek Road. Just a different look of Table Mountain.
    I’m learning new spots of Cape Town every day. Thank you.

  2. Beverley

    Yep this is definitely a great view of Table Mountain and if we can find a spare moment then I think I trip along the route you have shown is called for and of course with camera!!

    Like you photo Paul..

  3. Paul

    Post author

    Thanks guys, if you do plan a trip up Kloof Nek and/or along the Pipe Track, do so really early, just after sunrise. The light’s beautiful at that time.

    Richard… it’s not so easy for you though… perhaps when you’re back. :)

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