This particular path is a long, narrow, winding set of stairs that lead down to Cape Town's trendy Clifton 4th beach... a buzz of a place in summer but on this clear-yet-cool autumn day, practically deserted.
After descending the many steps to the clean white sand, I decided to leave my shoes in a particular spot in order to collect them on my return. Unfortunately, on my return, they had mysteriously grown legs and walked off. I first though that someone had stolen them, but then later realised that since I'd wandered out of sight, it's completely plausible that someone in need of shoes found them and assumed that the owner had abandoned them... the beach was after all pretty deserted!
I needed new shoes anyway. :)
Woohoo: New pic! Nice view. With regard to your shoes: Shall I found an African fund for missing shoes? :D
Post authorAh, you know Ali, you’re welcome to… but you know, we’re in Africa – I may as well walk around barefeet. :P
Tara Booth
Actually (puts on bird nerd hat) the Oystercatchers you get around SA’s coast at all black (
If you’ve seen a Black & White one, you’re seeing a Eurasian Oystercatcher ( Which are quite rare vagrants.
Post authorThat’s a very pretty hat you’re wearing Tara. :)
Thanks for the information, and links, – I’ll keep an eye out for any vagrants. :D