Like an idyll; extremely happy, peaceful, or picturesque: "an idyllic setting".
I met a few friends for a photo walk near the Blue Peter hotel in Tableview. Well, this particular evening was less of a "photo walk", and more of a "photo stand on the beach and gawk at the spectacular views". But then, I guess you can understand why. :)
I took far too many photos of Table Mountain on Sunday evening. I'll share this one, and perhaps one more if someone asks.
You said if someone asks, you’ll publish one more phote. I ask: please, one more photo? I love this beautiful environment we are so priviliged to live in. I grew up in North West – with it’s own beauty. But after almost 27 years in Cape Town, I am still like a newlywed: madly in love with the Western Cape!!
Post authorHi Ronel, sure I’ll post one or two more. :)