Horses are mean

Really big horse face

Can you see the way Big Mike was trying to stare me down?

The first (and only) time that I risked climbing on a horse, the beast in question turned out to be an obstinate animal with a mind of its own, refusing to listen to my gentle (and later, extremely firm) tugs on the reigns. My animal dragged its hooves, keeping a good 50 metres from the rest of the group, and when I dug in my heels it ignored me like a cat being told not to jump over a wall.

If you have more luck than I do with horses (or cats) then check out Horse Trail Safaris - it was some years back, but I think they were the ones who took us on that beach ride in Hermanus.

2 thoughts on “Horses are mean

  1. Jo Lister

    Come and try something totally different – Polo! The horses ( or ponies) arent mean, they are well trained and very patient and the fact that you are trying to hit a ball makes you focus on something different. Even non-riders enjoy a polo intro lesson – so why not spend a day in the country. Work up a thirst on the polo field, enjoy tasting some fine wines and relax over lunch at Sabrage – it’ll be a day to remember! you’ll probably be back for more!!

  2. Paul

    Post author

    I imagine, Jo, that for polo the horses have to be well trained. My new rule of thumb is that I’ll never ride on an old horse… they’re kinda crotchety. :D

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