Tag Archives: thatch

Open gardens: Beautiful buildings

Open gardens: Beautiful buildings
The farm dates back to 1682, a mere 30 years after Jan van Riebeeck of the Dutch East India Company landed to establish the first European settlement in the Cape [1], making it one of the oldest farms in South Africa.

If you have a spare moment, click though to the their website to read the Rustenberg story - surprisingly, it's somewhat interesting. :)

See this post for more about this photo and Rustenberg Wine's open gardens.

Open gardens: The grim Creeper

Open gardens: The grim Creeper
Creepers look pretty awesome, but boy oh boy, don't let them get out of control. We have one at our house and if I weren't keeping a chopping-hand directed towards it, I swear it would cover our house in a matter of minutes. Exaggeration perhaps, but still, there's some truth here. :)

See this post for more about this photo and Rustenberg Wine's open gardens.