Well, we've visited and were it not that we were there too late in the day to open a membership, Kerry-Anne would have walked away with armfuls of books! We're use to our smaller suburban libraries - so the visit to this multi-level, multi-room library was quite something. So, if you're a book-lover person - check out this map and be sure to visit!
I even found a section that contained comic books - like Superman and Batman - right next to the Photography section! How perfect! :D
The Central Library is a fantastic place. I went there several days last february to take information about the first owner of my house in Gardens, builted in 1881. I’ve spent several hours looking at beautiful books about the history of the town. I must go back there, it is such an experience!!!
This post almost makes me emotional! LOL! I spent so many hours many years ago in that library. Thanks for sharing!
Post authorIt’s a pleasure Anthea. :)
Wow, that’s a nice library. In my hometown, we also have a nice library, the foyer Albertina.
Post authorWhoohoo Ali, that sure is an great library in Leipzig!
Yes, Paul, and in the next few months, I will «live» there. :D
Post authorI’m not sure I’d be able to live in a library. ;)
I think one need only books, coffee and the notebook. :)
Post authorYou and Kerry-Anne seem so alike to me right now. :D
All the libraries in the Metro City are on the same system, so if you have a membership in your suburban library, you can use that card at the Central Library too. Kerry-Anne could have had her armfuls of books!
Post authorYou’re right Adrian… were it not that somehow she lost her and my library cards and then never got around to renewing them. :) You make a good point though – just get cards at a local library and use them in CT. Thanks!
Natalie Rae Denton
I am so lucky to be working in this amazing Library! Love my job!
Post authorI know of people who’d envy your job Natalie. :)