This building reminded me of the first house that Kerry-Anne and I owned. She convinced me that we should paint the exterior pastel blue. Being easily swayed by female charms I agreed to this... instantly regretting the choice after the first wall had been painted.
We moved a couple of years ago and painted the exterior of the new house last year. This time we chose a non-pastel, neutral, earthy colour. However, our painter made a mistake (actually, I think he pulled a fast one on us) and painted the house a light brown colour that has a slight pink hue. :(
Jonathan Carter
I think the pastel blue suites that house. It looks good. Can’t say that it would look good everywhere though :)
Is the photo taken in Riebeek West? It looks like a little shop I saw when I went for a week end to my neighbours house in Riebeck West.
Post authorYou’re right Cristina, Riebeek West! :)
Did you enjoy the stay-over in Riebeek West?
Oh my Gosh! The color of the house looks like ice cream!
… and painted the house pastel blue, too. This was my first thought. *lol*
Post authorIt does hey Ali! Ice cream – mmm… :)
Yeah, it would be difficult for the painter to make such a huge mistake!
During my stay in ZA, I’ve seen or heard of a lot of mistakes. I wouldn’t be that surprised. *lol*
Post authorSome of those aren’t mistakes… ;)
You might be right, Paul! :D
I had fantastic time and very good food. Just behind the little blue shop of the phot (where I’ve bought very nice things)there is a very good restaurants called Auntipasti.The restaurant looked italian, but the chef is South African. The name Auntipasti comes from antipasti that in italian means starters (first course)
Post authorOh no Cristina! We almost had lunch at Auntipasti – but we were unfortunately too late! If anyone, I’d trust your judgement on good Italian food… which I assume is what they serve?